
Not sure what's been going on these past couple of months, but I've deleted more spam posts in that time than I have since the new forums opened.
Same thing is happening on my home forum. Normally between 4a and 6a ET.

When they make the post they stay logged in to see if anyone comments on it.
WTF?? Today I woke up to dozens of spam on the board. I'm really getting tired of dealing with this.

In order to perform upgrades and gain more administrative access, I've been offered the opportunity to take over this board. But I'm not going to do it on my own dime. If there's interest here to do this, I'd entertain thoughts about creating a PayPal account and making this a community-supported board. For example, upgrading the software is about $250, and we'd have to pay for domain registration/transfer, as well as web server space to host it. I'm guessing we're looking at ~$1000/year plus upgrades. Otherwise I'm on the edge of just letting this go as is and you'll just have to deal with the increasing amounts of spam.

Let me hear your thoughts.

- GA

I would gladly support you taking over what Suloff started so long ago. I also like the voluntary self-assessment for $. You may want to contact Richard Welty to assist in setting all this up. I bellieve he has done this for other forums.

We can't just add one more 'are you human' step to the registration or is that the software upgrade that is needed?
Not without taking full control. We don't have that level of admin and current owner has no interest in investing any time or money into the forum. - GA
Start the paypal account, I'm already sending $100 to each of half dozen other forums. What's one more? Then you're down to needing $900.
Thanks for the support. I won't open an account just yet, as I want to investigate options. Your public declarations of support are useful in that regard. If I choose to go that way I'll let you know. - GA
I'm in, for both the upgrade and the management change. I would also hope, considering we have 300+ real members who have been active within the past 6 months, that we could get 20-30 willing to pitch in; that would get the per capita contribution down to a more reasonable (I know - subjective...) $50 or so. I'm good for up to $100 though.
Greg: I'm in for donation.

Also, I'm a domain registrar/reseller and would be happy to take care of the domain fees.

I'm in as well to support such an valuable tool for the IT community. Plus, you just can't put a price on this kind of entertainment.
I could easily fire up another Improved Touring forum using VB, but we would not have all of this content without the current owner's blessing.