Enduro with the BMWCCA

Tim Dugan

New member
Is anybody interested in doing this race with me In My bimmer? Please feel free to contact me with questions? Not really sure what class the car is in but if there is an interest I will get the answers as to where the car fits
I saw an ad that said, "non-BMWs welcome" but when I saw it, I reminded myself that I'm smart enough to not get suckered into making that mistake.

When is it again, Tim? Link to details...?

We have done all the Enduros so far this year with bmwcca. they run a good event. lots of support and contingency. they are putting a lot of money and effort into the series. 5 minute mandatory fuel stops. We actually have seats available for this event if anyone is interested. We have done well in our Spec e30's so far and no DNFs.

The one thing to wacth for is making sure a non-bmwcca cr logbooked car meets all the BMW Cr safety requirements.

-SCCA Cage rules will be fine.

BMW requires current(!) window nets *and* current(!)interior right side nets.
BMW requires a plumbed fire system. Handheld extinguisher is not sufficient.
The race is on october 18 3hr enduro with the BMW club. www.bmwccaenduro.com is the link to the rules. Has anybody done an event with this club? :shrug:

I've done a BMW CR race or two over the years. It's a good group. the NHMS events are always low key. the endurance series is new this year, and the are looking for entries for the NHMS race. Come play!
I saw an ad that said, "non-BMWs welcome" but when I saw it, I reminded myself that I'm smart enough to not get suckered into making that mistake.

When is it again, Tim? Link to details...?

Kirk, your STU car would be in E0 endurance class. Diesel - gets good mileage, right?
The 22-gal cell is going in before the VIR 13 hours. It will have 3-hour capacity.

Interestingly, it gets about the same mileage as Pablo the ITB Golf did - something approaching 8 gal/hr.

Not THAT old, Chuck! I did almost exactly 3 to open last year in the Civic. If the car is good, it doesn't seem like that long at all. And the Jetta is SUPER-easy to drive now.

Allowing 22gal cells seems counter productive to getting entries. As does the overhead fuel rigs. IMHO.
How many entries are there?