E46 weight reduction


New member
Can I remove the electric motors for the rear windows..?.. I have a 4 door. How about the charcoal canisters for the evap system?

what class are u running in? ITS, ITR or another class. I know i left everything in my E46 i run in ITS and i barely make weight.
Currently ITR .. 328... But would like to run 325...
I currently end about 2923..., but need to lose more to run as 325..
You must have put a cage in for a car under 3k .. I did not incase I went to 330 option.

Is yours a 2 or 4 door ?
I believe the evap system can now be removed.

I would also say that since the rear windows can't be removed, the motors need to stay.
I run a 323ci and with a quarter of a tank of fuel I come in at 3005#. Getting that 130# out of your car might be a little tough. As far as the rear window motors I won't protest u for it but not sure that it says "you can" so u can't. Not a performance enhancer but it is allowing u to get down to weight.
Yes Stephen I know what I wrote and I was saying it's not gaining HP like adding a cam but yes it is a performance enhancer because it is allowing him to make min weight so the power to weight ratio is better. Do I have to be literal with u all the time lol read between the lines a little. You like to twist everything I say. Good thing I like u lol