Quote Originally Posted by Andy Bettencourt View Post
I honestly can't think of a project bigger than this ITB redo guys. I am sure they are in the midst of hashing out a huge spreadsheet car by car going over each one making sure that they are confident that they can defend any and all recommendations to the CRB once it gets into their hands. ...
...which, having put a lot of hours myself into that very process, I am confident is also the root cause of its inevitable failure.

(Note here that the spreadsheet we used while I was on the ITAC, and that I subsequently shared with replacement members, is actually an evolution of the first "MILLER RATIO" worksheet that I started when I was still at UVa working on my dissertation, and looking toward building another IT car - and when the World Trade Center was still a feature on the Manhattan skyline.)

The PTBs are going to object to some detail in that proposal and use it to scuttle the entire effort. The last harangue was catalyzed by the Audi Coupe but this time it will be SOMETHING - unless there's been an earth-shattering see change in the Club management.

If the culture of protectionism and micromanagement where the CRB meets the ITCS can't be changed, then there's no point in trying to perfect a "list" that is doomed to failure when a weight for one car on that list doesn't jive with one CRB member's preconceived notions of "on-track competitiveness."

The only viable solution will be, and always has been, to apply a repeatable and transparent system, with as few moving parts (variables, differences) as possible; and have it accepted by a Board that puts stability and consistency of the category above key individuals', well, individual differences - even if at the individual car level, it creates potential winners and losers. IF THE LATTER CAN'T BE ACHIEVED, THERE IS NO POINT TRYING TO PITCH THE FORMER and even less sense kidding ourselves - and wasting days, weeks, months, or YEARS of volunteer ITAC time.

Kirk (who's filling out Production VTS sheets knowing that as bad as Prod can get, it's really only different bad, not worse, than this)