Quote Originally Posted by Knestis View Post
Chris also modestly doesn't mention how close he was to the B lap record. That's not screwing around.

For my part, I was super-sad to not be in that ITB brawl. The Jetta TDI is really cool and all but the MARRS B field is still some of the best pure road racing on the planet.


EDIT - Gratuitous "really cool car" pic follows, courtesy of Mike Kelley
Thanks Kirk, not even sure what my official fast time was to be honest... As soon as I got clear I eased up a bit and decided not to go for broke, all I know is that multiple .29's came up on the lap timer.

I was the only B car to not get lapped... That made the last lap very lonely, I drove it as a cool off as there was no need to keep on.

Had a great freaking race the first few laps!! Beth didn't give me an inch and nor did Tom, he kept us both very honest! I gauged the competition, made my final move on the 4th lap or so and managed to get clear by the end of that lap.

I was there crewing and coaching for Spencer Taylor who bought the car from Dave... I drove the car a couple sessions on Friday to gather data and good video to use to work with Spencer as well as check/adjust the setup. The car was very close, I only made three small tweaks. ----> thank you Kessler Engineering!

After the race on Sunday, Spencer asked me to take over driving duties for the ITB race on Monday... of course I obliged! "Go kick some ITB ass!" he said, so I did. And he is very happy to have me doing so on his behalf while we develop him as driver. He even picked up the entry fee...

I am very grateful to be working for such a generous team player!!

Quote Originally Posted by gran racing View Post
How do you think I feel?? Glad you had fun with it Chris and the years of development were proven to Spencer.

Did they finally give Jeff U credit for his lap record? What was your fast time Chris?
Yes, I believe so... He is credited with a 128.3X. Super fast!! Supposedly it was on a cool day with a tow... as many good records are set. As I said above, I'm not even sure what my official time was, as much as I was tempted to try for it, that wasn't why I was there and it was only my second day in the car...