I suspect you'll have a more informative discussion on this topic if you posted it on another forum....can't mention that forum though. The other forum has a lot of Chump/Lemons/SCCA/NASA racers who are very knowledgeable.

We've been considering a Chump build capitalizing on our ITS Mustang development. Lemons though, that series has no allure at all. I'm not bolting a shark on my roof, putting on a dress, or any of the other sorts shenanigans things I've read about in the Lemon events.

$500 Chump cars though? Come on now, I was born at night, but not last night. Most of those cars are worth way more than $500, safety equipment excluded. Bring all the receipts and Craigslist ads you want, and yeah, I know enough HTML to duplicate that too.