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From: Support Team <[email protected]>
Subject: Case 00009590: unconscionable mylaps problems

No results have been deleted. To see all your (old and current) practice results, you need to upgrade
your account to the new website. Your history will be available once you have upgraded your account.

Some functionalities are not available yet, but will come back:
Overview of all practice locations
Check results of others

May your questions or issue remain unsolved after this feedback, please reply to this email.
Best regards,
MYLAPS Sports Timing
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Dear Mylaps support team:

I didn't need to upgrade my account, when I tried to it said I had already upgraded.
Two deficiencies in the new software render the site WORTHLESS, and UNUSABLE.

Without the "MyResults" tab, you need to sort through all the events, some of
which were named differently, making it impossible to find the events competed in.

When you do find one salient results page, the lack of "Class" as a sortable field
renders the results useless. As you have noted in the title block of each race group,
there are multiple classes. Without "Class" as a sortable field nobody can tell whether
the second place finisher was also 2nd in class, or 1st in class, etc etc.

You need to fix these problems NOW. If you cannot fix these problems NOW you should
revert to the old website until the new software has these problems fixed and roll it
out then. I am utterly astonished that you would release this "upgrade" without any
testing. From a business standpoint you have taken a suicidal step and are not taking
immediate steps to correct it. The only reason you still exist is your monopolistic position,
but be assured that people and organizations that use your service do not have an
unlimited appetite for being so callously treated. I am certain there are dozens of software
developers frantically trying to replace your old site's functionality with something useful.

Glenn Lawton
Transponder# 1967306