Well? NHMS?

And it was JB Swan taking the IT7 race this afternoon. It was a hard fought battle that started weeks ago with the car being delivered to the Skunk Works in NH.

Along the way many other teams were scared into not even showing up, due to fear and intimidation.

Congrats JB, well done.

Dan, scared into staying home where its safe.
I was told BJ went 1:15.1xx which would have been a new record. 1:15.4xx would not have been. I guess the new airbox and tune (plus a crazy good shoe) had some punch!

Good luck to all Sunday!
Sounds like after another ITA win the motor had an issue and they loaded up. Turns over and no oil or water outside the motor so we will diagnose back at the shop.

And new track records keep coming because of the new timing line position, so his 1:15.4 will hold! Nice job to BJ!
ITA results Sunday

Very unfortunate that B.J. had engine issues in his STL race this morning. He was having a great weekend winning his first three races and setting a new track record in ITA.

ITA morning race results were the same as Saturday.
1st B.J.
2nd. Abhi
3rd. Jim

ITA afternoon results:
1st. Abhi
2nd. Jim
3rd. ???
Bob Blake in his ITS-spec GSMmotorsports RX7 was able to use the cool air to surpass my STL track record of 1:14.67 with a blistering 1:14.56 :happy204:
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In theory, it doesn't but all the lap records are new since the change.
This has been a point of contention for both NHMS and WGI. The way it has been explained to me, if you were completely out of shape at the starting line, you could theoretically set a fast lap. It would screw you for the next lap, but the previously lap would be fast. If you then move where the line is located, it would change that reference point and the records should be reset.
As the T&S chief for Glen, it was a PITA to reset records to when they moved start finish about 5 years ago now. I wasn't really sure then, and I'm still not 100% the records should be reset. However, I'll be a good soldier and carry the flag for the Northeast DA of T&S. She is able to explain it much better.

I still don't see how moving the timing line changes your lap time??:shrug:


The only time that I see a slight problem is if the new location permitted a car to go straight instead of making a turn just past the timing line. And the solution to this situation is to specifically disallow a lap with an 'off'. I see no reason to reset lap records if the only change was a movement of the timing line.
