Pre Season Testing in NJ

Terry Hanushek

New member
The Jersey Racing Board announces that they will sponsor two pre season test opportunities at New Jersey Motorsports Park. These tests will be ideal for teams who made significant changes to their cars over the winter and for drivers who want to shake the cobwebs out before the racing season begins. Both events are now open on DLB

The first test session is planned in conjunction with the March Lion Drivers School. It will be on the NJMP Lightning Course on 6-7 April. The school will operate with a traditional three group schedule. Two of the groups will be dedicated to the school and the third to testing. There will be approximately six sessions of 20 minute duration each day - approximately two hours per day. Closed wheel cars will test on Saturday and open wheel cars will test on Sunday.

March Lion Test Day Registration

The second test session is supporting The Devil in the Dark 12 Hour endurance race. It will be on the NJMP Thunderbolt Course on 26 April. Although the testing is primarily for endurance teams, drivers do not need to be 12 Hour participants to enter the Test Day. The testing is for closed wheel cars only; no open wheel testing is available. There will be a continuous four hour open track test session.

The Devil in the Dark Test Day Registration

Both test are open to drivers with any SCCA license including signed-off Novice permits as well as any other competition licenses recognized by SCCA.
Sounds like great ideas to give people some testing time so they don't have to "waste" a race on something they just need to shake down.

also is an easy way to help offset the cost of a skool. nice way to think out of the box! :)
Our first test opportunity in conjunction with our Drivers School went very well with almost 30 drivers taking advantage of the testing opportunity. Our second test day is coming up on 26 April prior to The Devil in the Dark.

The Test Day is open to all closed wheel cars regardless of whether the car is eligible for or entered in the 12 Hour. There will be a continuous four hour open track test session.

The Devil in the Dark Test Day Registration

The testing is open to drivers with any SCCA license including signed-off Novice permits as well as any other competition licenses recognized by SCCA.
