COTA snafu


New member

15 pages in a day!!!

Summary: Reg was accidentally opened prematurely. The SM group sold out and then reg was closed and voided. Letters have been released on the COTA event page at by an official... Reg will (re)open soon, but less than 24 hours after an official announcmemt has been made on the event page.

Anyone watching and/or effected by this?

Where is the popcorn eating smilie?
I'm thinking we're going to need to update the GCR to create a fairer method for oversubscribed groups. Since the goal of majors and other "marquee" events is to concentrate entries into fewer events.

Back in the olden days it worked fine to use order of entry. Because the US mail by nature created a natural spread.

But these days with online registration it's not fair that registration can be opened and fulled in 30 minutes. Especially if the timing is not well communicated.

Seems like we need a rule that requires online registration be open for some number of days and then if a group is oversubscribed the entry order is chosen randomly.

We might also need to add some language to disallow favoritism (IE, locals or "important" people).
Whats the issue? There is already a way to fix this. Its been done for years. Its called Qualifing......

Fastest cars to track limit get to race. So if 60 enter the race and the track holds 43. 18 go home. Thanks for trying. COTA should be able to accomidate like 100 cars. WGI is 70+. I know I was 70 once.

Want to race? Drive faster.

This ought to start a riot.:D
6.4.1 General
A. 1 car in a class shall constitute a class. A car may not compete in
more than one race class in the same race group.
B. Number of Cars allowed on Course
A maximum of 25 cars per mile may be on the course or started
simultaneously in any type of session.
The Division’s Executive Steward may increase or decrease the 25
car limitation for any or all race groups.

Whats the issue? There is already a way to fix this. Its been done for years. Its called Qualifing......

Fastest cars to track limit get to race. So if 60 enter the race and the track holds 43. 18 go home. Thanks for trying. COTA should be able to accomidate like 100 cars. WGI is 70+. I know I was 70 once.

Want to race? Drive faster.

This ought to start a riot.:D
there could be qual group 1 and qual group 2...

If there are 90 cars that "enter" then juggle the race groups and put fastest ~60 in group 1 to race for class wins and put others in another group to race for class grins.

Whats the issue? There is already a way to fix this. Its been done for years. Its called Qualifing......

Fastest cars to track limit get to race. So if 60 enter the race and the track holds 43. 18 go home. Thanks for trying. COTA should be able to accomidate like 100 cars. WGI is 70+. I know I was 70 once.

Want to race? Drive faster.

This ought to start a riot.:D

25 cars/mile * 3.4 miles = 85 cars max.
I agree with the rest of the points. However..
considering there were something like 200+ SM entries in the first few hours, I don't see 3-4 practice + qual groups just for SM being able to fit into the schedule.. There's only a few days for this event.

Besides, it's just a freaking club race- this isn't the Ruboffs or anything.

And yes.. I live 3 hours away. I will be working F&C during the event when I'm not racing, and have run every national race in the division for the last two years. I would be effing PISSED if my group was oversubscribed and I was bumped to a lottery draw and that spot given to some random person from Oregon that might or might not decide to make the week-long drive when March rolls around. Crossing the continental divide with a trailer during a spring snowstorm? I'd stay home.

Sure, I understand someone committing to a 2000 mile tow should get a chance to race, but you also have to keep the locals happy or they won't come back when the furor dies down.

double-edged sword.
I would be effing PISSED if my group was oversubscribed and I was bumped to a lottery draw and that spot given to some random person from Oregon that might or might not decide to make the week-long drive when March rolls around.
This is the Majors program at CoTA, dude, not a basic SCCA National at TWS.

The game has changed.

- GA
A good business model will not turn those cars away. They should get two/three groups and take the money.
Adjust to the market.
A good business model will not turn those cars away. They should get two/three groups and take the money.
Adjust to the market.

Yes, a smart region would do everything it can to include as many drivers as possible. I don't propose the goal is to limit the number of drivers, but simply to determine what is possible and then be fair within that. It might not be possible to change the motion of the sun across the sky or the ability of workers to support the hours. And the GCR should enforce fairness in entry based on whatever limits are necessary.
Yes, a smart region would do everything it can to include as many drivers as possible.
Remember, this is a Majors event. That means it's effectively being run by Topeka, not Lone Star Region. I don't know the exact division of responsibilities, but I believe the Topeka crew is responsible for things like supps decisions, running the event, Chief Steward, and so forth.

Anyone know the facts on that?

- GA
I know of numerous NASA racers who are now SCCA members and National licensed drivers as NASA does not have COTA on their schedule. National license waivers were being given out like candy at Halloween, curious if any were actually turned down. Whether any of these new members stick around or not will remain to be seen but I know some specifically that applied for the license waiver and became members just to run the track. Sucks for the real SCCA members who will get pushed out by the new "one weekend member" when some of the groups get sold out in an hour on Monday.
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