Quote Originally Posted by Chip42 View Post
Bill - read andy's post. the point is that what's being asked for is not something anyone reasonable would decline, despite there not being a rule allowing it. illegal, but c'mon. who makes that call? tech and the competitors who choose to ignore such things 99.9% of the time. should a protest come up, it is 100% acceptable to find the material non compliant. doesn't make that protest a good one though.

oh, and good post.

I do get it. And I understand 'weenie' protests. But you know how that slippery slope goes. If it's something silly (like washer bottles), add a rule that allows it (whatever it is), and be done with it. Don't leave the door open for people. I keep thinking back to a Runoffs' protest ~10 years ago. It was a Prod car, so not really an IT issue, but I think it's a good example. The requirement was that the transmission had to have a 'functional reverse gear'. Most people would think that meant that you had to be able to put the car in reverse, from inside the car, by using the gear selector. The person in question had the reverse gear in the trans, but the only way you could engage reverse, was to get out of the car, climb under it, and move the linkage arm on the trans. The protest was not upheld, and the rule was re-written to indicate that you had to be able to select reverse from inside the car, via the gear selector. The point I'm making, is that reasonable people will disagree, and some will push things as far as they can.