Quote Originally Posted by S2_ITBVW View Post
I hate it that these popular, affordable cars are slowly being pushed to the back of the pack. Particularly since I own one! So, I got in contact with a few members of the ITAC about this very thing a couple weeks ago. I told them that I had "heard" that there was some mysterious dyno data from years back that lead to the classification of the 1.8L Golf/Jetta in a manner that folks had not been able to duplicate in the real world. I want to say that the ITAC members did respond, they were helpful, and that they are willing to take a look at this. However, they said that there are some very smart folks on the comp board that think the 1.8L can make the 30%. So, they suggested that any letter would need to provide evidence that the 1.8L CANNOT make the 30%. So, they seem to come at if from the opposite direction of this:

'"If you're going to write a letter, I think the better letter would be "Please provide supporting evidence that justifies classing these cars with a non-standard process factor."'

The burden was clearly placed on us to prove that whatever they think can be done to make 30% actually can't be done. Frankly, I think this is going to take an organized effort with the involvement of some smart VW folks to get the car properly re-processed. I'm certainly willing to help, but I don't understand the engineering/physics enough to match wits with the aforementioned comp board member(s) that we need to convince.
I've said this before, but I'll say it again. The ITAC holds themselves to a pretty high standard (75% confidence IIRC) if they're going to recommend a deviation from the standard process multiplier, but the CRB holds themselves to no such standard. They can arbitrarily set a weight because 1 or 2 guys think that a given car can make more power. Yeah, that doesn't smack of back room BS at all.

And the way that works, is that you can never win that argument. If you can't build a 1.8VW motor, that is IT legal, that makes 30% more power than stock, you're just not trying hard enough. Not to mention that most of the top VW engine builders in the country gave up that fight a long time ago, because they were tired of the BS. Dick Shine closed his shop, BSI switched to SM years ago, and Techtonics has moved on to the newer engines. Are there guys out there that know those motors can't make that kind of power w/ an IT-legal build? Sure, but see the beginning of this paragraph.