2012 I.T.SPEC*tacular ( I.T.FEST) registration now open


I know its been talked about.

I've already got a call in about the garage list. I know they are all filled.

Just 3 days left to register for the event. Remember there is no late fee if registering and paying on line.

Current I.T. entries

IT7 2
ITA 10
ITB 10
ITC 11
ITS 14

Just on a side note, in edition to the 118 registered club drivers the SCCA Pro guys have 32 F2000 and 28 F1600 drivers entered.

Gonna be a fun weekend. I hope there's a few more drivers out there that want to attend.

Best Regards,

So they effectively can't check one of the three most useful cheats on an IT car... I have to admit that's a little disappointing.

So they effectively can't check one of the three most useful cheats on an IT car... I have to admit that's a little disappointing.


What are the other two and can they be checked? :)

Serious question, there doesn't seem to be any time limit on how early you can file a protest? Or am I reading the GCR wrong?
So they effectively can't check one of the three most useful cheats on an IT car... I have to admit that's a little disappointing.


There is a lot of racing between now and Sunday afternoon. You may find things working out without the paperwork. As far as the whistler, its been on the region wish list, there was a chance to borrow one for the event but it fell through.

There is a lot of racing between now and Sunday afternoon. You may find things working out without the paperwork. As far as the whistler, its been on the region wish list, there was a chance to borrow one for the event but it fell through.

I've been trying to access one from my own region for about four months now, and still haven't. And I'm even on the BOD. For some reason, these things are guarded and cherished more than first borns, eventhough they're rarely ever used. I don't get it either.

And yes Kirk, Tony's Accord is a '88 LXi. I haven't raced against him, but from what I've heard, it's "wide" and handles great in the straights.
There is a lot of racing between now and Sunday afternoon. You may find things working out without the paperwork. As far as the whistler, its been on the region wish list, there was a chance to borrow one for the event but it fell through.


I'm a little twitchy with the idea of making a protest for non-compliance conditional on the vagaries of "competitiveness" or happenstance.

I went to the SIC one year ready to protest a competitor based on intel from others whose information I trusted. In that case, I decided to not do the paperwork because I was frankly driving like crap, giving up seconds that I was confident accounted for all of the difference between his and my lap times, or more.

HOWEVER - and I know I'm weird about stuff sometimes - I don't think being slower than others should be considered permission to cheat. If there's evidence that something ain't right, I should do what I'm supposed to do whether or not the accused is in front of me on the grid or not.

Protests for non-compliance have to be filed "No later than one hour before the start of the race session of the competition for the issue in question," but there's no limit as to how EARLY that may happen, Jimbo. All things being equal, I'd be inclined to get it over with early, which argues against a wait-and-see approach. I've also seen a couple of cases over the years where it sure LOOKED like someone knew they were in the crosshairs, and conveniently "had trouble with the car" until the race started. The Festival format complicates sandbagging however...

How many Whistlers are there? I know of only one in NEDiv, and it passed through my possession for a day getting delivered inter-region about a month ago. From what I know of them, making them give accurate readings can be a challenge.

But, changing the subject, will garage assignments be posted up anywhere? The reason I ask is due to some funky work commitments, I have to be in front of a laptop sitting in my RV all day Friday, which means getting to the track Thursday night, which I'm assuming I can do with PDX classes going on. I'd like to park in front of my garage when I pull in. TIA
If ner has one I can bring it but it needs to be located today. Let me know if anyone finds it or wants me to bring it.
