Based on what you've said, I don't understand why you keep your IT car. Seems like a good way to earn some ride money.

go get a physical, Check the latest rules and update stuff, buy new wheels, tires (to convert to itb (from ita) and belts and add 200# and buy a Hans. That's at least $3,000 to run a single sprint race...

Sell your existing wheels, get some 6" wide ones from a junk yard. Buy some take-offs (tires), borrow belts and a HANS. I've been borrowing one from a couple of differen people for some of the similar reasons.

no way SCCA is cheaper than that, and I didn't have to jump through ANY hoops to get on track.

I like that SCCA doesn't just let anyone out on the track with me in w2w racing. I was absolutely not fond of the idea in ChumpCar that just anyone regardless of experience or doing a school could be out there on track. The physical? Is that really so bad? I asked my doc why in the world aren't they doing this stuff normally and it takes an SCCA license to really check me over.

ChumpCar / Lemons are a different product than SCCA, just like roundy-round is different from ChumpCar. Hell, when I asked how much it would cost to race and the guy said $25 I clarified twice that I wanted to race, and not just get in to watch the race. Yet again, it's a different product than ChumpCar. Oh, you want to compare popularity. LMAO.