Quote Originally Posted by jhooten View Post
The Chief Steward and the Tech Chief were having a conversation this weekend. The gist of it was that SCCA needs to make up its mind as to whether it is a club and supports amateur club racers or it is a semi-pro racing organization. Super Tour and Majors (make it feel more like a pro event) mentality, while alienating the regional classes are not helping like "they" promised it would.

I know the economy gets lots of blame and that may be a factor. Our Memorial day weekend event has historically been well attended. This weekend both car counts and worker turn out was lower than it has been for a long time. I was the only one in tech and several of the stewards had to man timing and scoring or he would have been on his own, F&C had 2 on each corner where we usually have 3 or 4. We got it done and the drivers were exceptionally patient and understanding and I must say well behaved as there were no major incidents.

Again, I think it's a regional issue. We had at least 50+ IT cars at this past weekends race at NH Motors Speedway. The region bends over backwards so that we get plenty of track time (one qualifying session and three races) and schedules the run groups so people can double or triple dip. They are always looking for feed back and are willing to get creative. Maybe we're just lucky up here in the Northeast that we've got great people running our race program.

Hey, I've just been double whacked in the last year over decisions that SCCA has made. First I bought an SSB car only to find out a short time later that Showroom Stock was going away, then I bought a Miata and three months later they added 80lbs to it. If anyone should be bitter it's me!!

But I still went out this past weekend, raced a lot, hung out with a lot of good friends and had a blast. Have your officials call our officials to find out how it's done!