Quote Originally Posted by dhardison View Post
Yup. Matt/Kevin, has there been any thought given to the possibility of a split start? (ITR, ITS, ITA, SM) (IT7, ITB, ITC)

During last years race it was a swerve-fest in turn one for those of us starting behind the Meotters. It seems that a few of them tried to mate going in to T1 which caused a grassy excursion for many B and C cars.
Was proposed and shot down last year to have a split start. The IT guys all liked the idea - the Miata's complained about it. I can't attend this year sadly but I would prefer a split start if I was after the miata spin fest in turn one at last years event. I managed to sneak through without a grassy excursion.

I have a few friends that are not attending this year because of the miata's last year sadly. A select few Miata guys decided that bumping a 240z's solid aluminum rear bumper was the best course to try and get around him. They could not out run the 240 in a straight line but the Miata's had the advantage in the corners. Rather then trying to setup a turn to make his pass they (or maybe he) continued to smack his rear end going through turns. After the race the miata driver came over to my friends paddock to complain about how he needs to get out of his way or he will keep smacking him. Who knew the point of racing was pull over out of the way of the guy behind you?

So unfortunatly my friends don't want to deal with bumper repair again because of some of the Miata drivers. Honestly from the Miata races I have watched as a corner worker I am always cautious when starting with the SM field.