That's nothing. I learned early.

In my driver's school, the guy in front of me (Datsun I think) on the back "straight" at Portland swerved around when the guy in front of HIM blew an engine (Fiat). When we got to the post "race" impound, the Datsun guy pulled an entire crank throw with half a rod attached, out of his back seat area. It had gone straight through.

Other detritus I've seen enter road race cars include side mirrors, exploded battery guts, and a long Douglas Fir branch, poked right in the side window. I spun one time and ended up with a heap of dry grass and a handful of live grasshoppers in the dash and in my lap. That was the least dangerous but most entertaining collection of garbage; watching the 'hoppers bounce off of the inside of the windshield after I rejoined...