Quote Originally Posted by jjjanos View Post
Seriously... how long does it take to look up the frigging weights?
I'll chalk you up in the column of "I've never volunteered to work the scales at tech while 6+ classes of 3+ cars each are all standing out in the hot sun/cold rain waiting to be paraded across the scales while some guy flips through the outdated paper copy of the GCR trying to find MY car, in MY class, and trying to get from me the chassis, car, engine installed, number of gears, suspension mods, blah, blah, blah."

Try it sometime, you'll like it.

Conversely, we can do it just like we do at the Runoffs: instead of doing all the work in arrears, we can stand in the pre-tech line with our helmets waiting for our tech approval sticker, while debating with the tech inspector what page in the GCR you are to find OUR car, in OUR class, and trying to get from me the chassis, car, engine installed, number of gears, suspension mods, blah, blah, blah. Or, even better, we can wait in line behind the guy in front of us that's doing the same thing for HIS car.

Or we can put a little piece of vinyl on our car with that info (or, if that's a bit too steep an investment, put a piece of duct tape and "write" the number on the duct tape. Your call.)

<still shaking head...>