
Thank you for not shooting the messenger....


We have a winner. The announcement will be coming this Friday or Monday.

Check out Race-Keeper Trivinci on Facebook - Neat new features in Comparo! Available for download, no cost.

total G's calculation
digital gauges
Last Lap and Best Lap added to Video View.
plus more!
Damn. I was hoping for Al Coholic.

Bill, please pass along that I was seriously considering a system, mostly due to your involvement, but this situation has made me really rethink that. Certainly, my lack of money and rising safety costs has made it a moot point, but it is a real issue. Since I am making a data collection system a priority for 2013, they may still have a chance, at least with one buyer.
VTB "Race Keeper", and all mention thereof.

They responded quickly to my email. I guess they will announce the winner soon. I expressed my concerns and some ideas for them. I will not be entering any more contests with this company.
When I was "publicity director" for Northwest Region years ago, we did a race car show promo in collaboration with a tire store chain and radio station. They did drawings from entries submitted in the weeks leading up to the Saturday doo-dah. About half way through the afternoon, the radio lady came over and asked, "Who do you want to win?"


"Who do you want to win? We have to give the prizes away so they may as well go to someone you like. Don't you guys know how radio promos work?"

By the end of the day, several wives/girlfriends (mine included) had won sets of tires, and a rally dude we all kind of thought was a jerk got a free Maaco paint job for his crappy van, because we were tired of looking at it being all raggedy-ass...

When I was "publicity director" for Northwest Region years ago, we did a race car show promo in collaboration with a tire store chain and radio station. They did drawings from entries submitted in the weeks leading up to the Saturday doo-dah. About half way through the afternoon, the radio lady came over and asked, "Who do you want to win?"


"Who do you want to win? We have to give the prizes away so they may as well go to someone you like. Don't you guys know how radio promos work?"

By the end of the day, several wives/girlfriends (mine included) had won sets of tires, and a rally dude we all kind of thought was a jerk got a free Maaco paint job for his crappy van, because we were tired of looking at it being all raggedy-ass...


And the title to this story would be.... "And Kirk Gets Introduced to Payola" :026:
OK, it's official and formally announced on the Race-Keeper website! Our own Jim Hardesty is the Race-Keeper 2011 Contest Winner! Hope you enjoy the system, Jim.

And thanks for the kind words.
"Sometimes random selection doesn't look very random." - Kirk, after drawing the order for event finals at a state gymnastics championship

Kirk: I hear you. However, I did not have any input into the selection process. Honestly. And I am not a politician! LOL.

BTW, I am still looking for a used system for you. Almost had one, too.