
Jim: I emailed the home office and they confirmed with me that the drawing WILL be held this year. I don't know if they realize the negative feelings that they have generated my missing two drawing dates. Thanks for your patience.

No update on their website or Facebook page... I'm sure many folks are expecting to see their name listed as the winner. :D Longest contest in history.
Hello everyone I hope all of you will be fine,
My name is kade I m working in printingray company we will provide printing services related about publishing and printing about new event and any new one vehicles which new came in market and its show its qualities or updates and its publishing, I hope all of you take benefit from our services because our services provide many facilities from printing and advertising specification and those are different from other.

I'm sure your advertising services will present the customer's products in the best possible way, considering your very effective adverstisment here. Sheesh! :blink:
I'm sure your advertising services will present the customer's products in the best possible way, considering your very effective adverstisment here. Sheesh! :blink:

Sorry he was allowed to survive a whole day here...the mods must all be on vacation :D
A new contest date has been posted, but I have not heard who the winner was. Maybe waiting until the winner is contacted.
A new contest date has been posted, but I have not heard who the winner was. Maybe waiting until the winner is contacted.

I hope that is it... Looks exactly like years past when the date for the contest changed, but no winner was selected...

No call on my home line or cell. Maybe they are waiting until next week to call?? :D
I heard it would be delivered at the Bluegrass Motorsports Park race. :)

This company promised a sweepstakes in exchange for our email address and then delayed several times for over two years.

And now we got yet another "swear to god we're doing the drawing" promise 10 days ago. And now we have yet another promise of an announcement.

I don't think anyone here expects to actually hear a winner announced this week.

Bill, I know you're just he messenger, and nobody here blames you. But I know you know this is killing any chance you have of a sale to anyone here.

Hell, at this point they'll have to give every one of us a unit if they don't expect us to badmouth the company if anyone ever asks us about it.
Bill, I know you're just the messenger, and nobody here blames you. But I know you know this is killing any chance you have of a sale to anyone here.
Hell, at this point they'll have to give every one of us a unit if they don't expect us to badmouth the company if anyone ever asks us about it.

Quoted for truth.

Bill has been awesome and allowed us to use his RK demo system in our rally car twice, including our win at Rally Mexico last year. I love the Race Keeper system; it has always performed flawlessly, the cams are adequate, and the data is easy to read. However, due to the company's ever present shenanigans (this yearly non-existant giveaway and the consistant non-delivery of promised features) I will never purchase a Race Keeper for either of our cars...just on principle.


The question that begs to be asked...what's the best data acquisition system (incl. customer service) on the market now?
A slight tangent but still related to the topic at hand; a prime example of why Amazon is at the top of the food chain and why Race Keeper will never become the company they could be (provided they continue their current business practices). A superior product is not enough: http://www.warrenellis.com/?p=13611
The funny thing is, to me, the money involved.
So they promise to give away a system. Cool. What's that cost??? Maybe $2000? So it costs them around $1000? (Ignoring the write off etc).
So, what does $1000 buy in a print ad? Maybe two moderate sized ads on a non premium page in Sportscar??
(In other words, this sin't a huge amount to the company, yet could attract a fair amount of attention for them)
But, it seems like they've bought themselves a ton of negative attention....AND they HAVE to give a system away. Seems like a lose lose to me...