STL : National ?

"SCCA Includes Super Touring Lite in National Club Racing Program"

Let the watering down continue! More classes, yeah that's what we need! And let's make more classes within a class to make it even more ridiculous-STL is on it's own or is it part of stu? Better yet I suggest we have a special 'National Champion' Miata STL class for double dippers--how appropriate, Still More class!

I was almost ready to pull the trigger on getting back in, this seals it, the club has lost the concept of a lot of drivers racing in the same class to determine a worthy champion. There may be a bunch of folks supporting these tiny slices of the competitive pie at first, but no one at the helm understands that there are a limited # of competitors to run a National season and go to the runoffs.

Best to wait and are if SCCA can come back from the insanity before committing to the class of the month.

LD71 :D

Do we have a Emoticon for someone flaming on another's forum? Or perhaps a emoticon for a broken record player? Or how about a self-serving "SS/T is better than IT/ST" one? all three would apply.
Yep, I'm consistent, you can call it a broken record if you like, but remember I love IT , it is quickly becoming the only legitimate sedan racing in SCCA. I enjoyed IT the first time Phil Hunt brought his Volvo to LRP, and i loved racing IT when i ran several cars in the category for a few years
I'm not even against st in and of itself. It's the band aid approach of SCCA I dislike, it is destroying competition in favor of getting enough entries at the Runoffs.
The Nat SCCA org needs a large # of entries at the Runoffs as those entry fees go to Topeka. It doesn't matter that the competition in each class suffers, just get enough entries to fund the org.
I've been asking the bod and crb for years to make a real plan that makes sense ( including IT) and volunteered to help. Instead they put more band aids in place and come up with a new class every 2 months.
LD71 :D
Larry, are in support of removing the National/Regional split for GCR class then? To some degree STL was born as an IT-next-step-w/o-going-Prod and "here's your chance to race National".

Interestingly, I didn't hear complain about Spec-B as being "another class".

Remember, it's a bad ecomony and club racers are an endangered species unless they oddly evolve to the pro ranks....

Interestingly, I didn't hear complain about Spec-B as being "another class".

B Spec will not be a new class - it is being integrated into SSC. There is considerable discontent in the Touring / Showroom Stock world but it is not necessarily directed at B Spec.

Terry, you are technically correct - it is not another class, yet it's "another class". My apologizes if I come as flaming, it's not my complete intent. By the sounds of your post, it would suggest that you might know what T/SS drivers are discontent about. Can you elaborate? Is it in the same vein of Larry's first post?
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you are technically correct - it is not another class, yet it's "another class". My apologizes if I come as flaming, it's not my complete intent. By the sounds of your post, it would suggest that you might know what T/SS drivers are discontent about. Can you elaborate? Is it in the same vein of Larry's first post?

I didn't view your post as a flame at all. The Showroom Stock / Touring discontent has resulted from a general lack of stability and long range planning in the categories. T3 was slated to be dropped as a national class until the 2.5 rule was suspended. The existing SSC cars may be moved to SSB to accommodate B Spec cars. There is a possibility of applying Touring rules to Showroom Stock thus eliminating the category. For additional insight into all of this drama check out the SCCAForums BBS. SS/T are currently being reviewed by the CRB.
