
I would be fine adding an elective event on the West Coast (or a couple). However, I agree with Butch. Since you have to run the ARRC and the IT Fest, for guys in the Midwest and the Pacific Coast it will be tough to win unless you are committed to two long tows.

I'd still call this a National uh "tour" though. The vast majority of IT cars live and race east of the Rockies, with a majority of that majority east of the Mississippi, and even then with most of them concentrated in the SEDiv, the WDCR and the NEDiv.

We tried to keep a national perspective, but the focus had to be on how to we attract the "most best" IT cars to the scheudle.
Ok just wanted to make sure you kept us Midwest/Central/Texas IT drivers in mind. Can't speak for others but in the MiDiv, IT is the biggest game around. Lots of talent in ITA and ITB. We want a piece of the action! ;)
Butch your killing me with the suspense! I am on the edge of my seat, checking every few hours on an update!!!

Sorry. A dentist appointment and subsequent catching up on work have gotten in the way of the "official press release" so it'll most like be tomorrow before I have the longer story.

In the meantime take a look at and let me/us know what you think.

The official name (for at least the next two years) will be the "Cool Shirt (r) IT National Tour".
Cool! Can we share more widely, Butch?

Also, it occurs to me that maybe we can talk one of the mods into setting aside an area here for discussion topics.

Great website! Well organized along with a well organized Championship! I think it captures what we have been missing. I would love to run for it but to be honest the travel is extensive from NH. If I can do it I certainly will! Time will tell :)


Thanks for putting together a great series!
Cool! Can we share more widely, Butch?

Also, it occurs to me that maybe we can talk one of the mods into setting aside an area here for discussion topics.


Yes, it can be shared now.

I was planning to create a new thread here under "Championship Events" called "Cool Shirt IT National Tour" but my day job has (unexpectedly) gotten in the way this week.
Great website! Well organized along with a well organized Championship! I think it captures what we have been missing. I would love to run for it but to be honest the travel is extensive from NH. If I can do it I certainly will! Time will tell :)


Thanks for putting together a great series!

Kirk is the website architect and I agree - he does good work! :)

We recognize that travel will be an issue for some participants, so that's why we made it possible to compete with as few as three weekends - one relatively local Elective event, the IT-Fest, and the ARRC by GRM. Yes, it will take additional planning for some folks, but the two "mandatory" events are well-spaced on the calendar and there should be at least one Elective event in your proximity. Granted running multiple Elective events improves your chances of winning, but you still only count your best one.

And if you can't make it in 2012 we certainly plan for this to continue (and grow) beyond next season.

Lots of folks contributed to this, so for all of them I'll say, "You're welcome."
Hey, admins. Can we get a forum space set aside for the ITNT? I'll build a link to it from the championship web site.

I suspect Dan was speaking in general terms.

Big-picture, there's something of a cause-effect conundrum going on with those. We tried to pick the highest-profile, best-attended Elective events available in each geographic area. That made the "doubles" (e.g. the SARRC/MARRS) an obvious answer. And a desire for points-keeping simplicity makes it hard to untangle the "which race counts?" question if the event runs two sanction numbers.

At the same time, one secondary benefit of the ITNT is that it might even further raise the profile of those events, perhaps encouraging someone to travel to one if (for example) they care about Tour points and blow up at their local Elective event.

Yes - It does give the person with a double near home a numerically better shot compared to someone with a single Elective race nearby. The scale seems to tip away from that consideration though.

Based on the quote he posted, I believe that Dan is referring specifically to the NARRC championship(just not sure to what end) and not to the ITNT which I THINK is what you are assuming based on your reply.

In regards to the ITNT: I really like the concept as well as the choice of qualifying races(atleast the northeastern ones, as they are all I know). WGI and LRP are totally different tracks and those are both great/big/popular events. Also, it will def make the Fun One a bit more meaningful...

I don't know what next year will hold store for me just yet, but I'll be as involved in the IT community as possible. Worse comes to worse I will just continue watching from a far... :024:

I suspect Dan was speaking in general terms.

Big-picture, there's something of a cause-effect conundrum going on with those. We tried to pick the highest-profile, best-attended Elective events available in each geographic area. That made the "doubles" (e.g. the SARRC/MARRS) an obvious answer. And a desire for points-keeping simplicity makes it hard to untangle the "which race counts?" question if the event runs two sanction numbers.

At the same time, one secondary benefit of the ITNT is that it might even further raise the profile of those events, perhaps encouraging someone to travel to one if (for example) they care about Tour points and blow up at their local Elective event.

Yes - It does give the person with a double near home a numerically better shot compared to someone with a single Elective race nearby. The scale seems to tip away from that consideration though.

Hey, admins. Can we get a forum space set aside for the ITNT? I'll build a link to it from the championship web site.


That is what this area was created as, when we initially launched the IT Triple Crown-then-IT Driver's Championship, which the IT National Tour is an improvement upon. How about we just change the name of this folder? Forums > IT Forums > Cool Shirt IT National Tour
>> IT Fest