Quote Originally Posted by Greg Amy View Post
Which was yet another source of LOLs during the daily Town Hall meetings...that "excuse" pretty much came exclusively from participants of those classes that are in danger of being "de-listed". To a "T" those in strong classes pronounce "survival of the fittest", and to a "T" those in weak classes talk about history, tradition, depth of opportunities in the Club, the bad economy, etc.

There's always an excuse for avoiding de-listing...and always an excuse for getting listed...it just ain't as easy as some folks think it is. I don't envy the BoD right now... - GA
I find it odd that the classes I see in trouble are the Cheaper to run classes (touring and SS). I think the economy has hit those that are barely able to race a lot worse then those running cars with enormous budgets. The Fear is when those that were barely able to race and currently Can't now are able to barely race again those cheap classes will be gone.