2011 ARRC by GRM Planning

Butch Kummer

New member
Although registration for the event will not open until late September, we’re already getting requests for information about the 2011 running of the ARRC by GRM at Road Atlanta. Although this is not “official” (i.e. – sanction numbers have not been issued), those of you that like to plan ahead can start making travel arrangements.

Website (soon to be updated with all this and more): http://www.atlantascca.org/arrc.html

Dates: November 4 thru 6, 2011
Location: Road Atlanta, Braselton GA

Changes from 2010 (and before):
. NO restrictions on Runoffs drivers competing at the ARRC by GRM
. SM & SM2 can use the Toyo R-888, the Toyo RA-1, or the Hoosier SM-6 tire (all four tires must be the same)
. Groups 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 9 and 12 will be in the Club Racing paddock; Groups 3, 7, 8, 10, and 11 will be in the Infield paddock
(those racing in multiple groups will have to decide what works best for them)
. Drivers in the Pro Enterprises races can also sign up for Friday’s qualifying sessions to gain additional track time for $200

Entry fees:
. Championship races - $325
. “Second” Championship race (same car, different class) - $200
. Pro-IT only - $325
. Pro-IT if signed up for any other race - $275
. Three Hour - $395
. Three Hour if signed up for any other race - $200
. All Pro SRF & FE sessions – see SCCA Pro
. Pro SRF & FE additional Friday sessions - $200

Test Day: There WILL be a track-sanctioned test day on Thursday, November 3. In the past there have been four groups with four 20-25 minute sessions each, and I don’t see that changing this year. Traditionally the cost has been $225 for the entire day and Road Atlanta offers a pro-rated amount depending on the number of sessions left when you sign up. There is no pre-registration – sign up at the window.

Anticipated Championship Race Groups:
. Group 1 – BS (B-Spec), GT3, GTL, EP, FP, HP, SPU, SRF, SRFP, SSB, SSC, STL
. Group 2 – GT1, GTA, SPO
. Group 3 – CF, F500, F600, FF, FFX, FST, FV
. Group 4 – ITR, ITS, IT7, ITB
. Group 5 – SM, SM2, SSM
. Group 6 – ITA, ITC, ITT
. Group 7 – AS, GT2, ITO, SM5, SP2, SP3, STO, STU, T1, T2, T3
. Group 8 – ASR, CFC, CSR, DSR, FA, FB, FC, FE, FEP, FM, FS, S2000

Additional Groups:
. Group 9 – Pro-IT (IT7, ITA, ITB, ITR, ITS, ITT, ITX)
. Group 10 – Pro SRF
. Group 11 – Pro FE
. Group 12 – ECR Three Hour (IT7, ITA, ITB, ITC, ITO, ITR, ITS, ITX, SM, SRF, SSB, SSC)

Friday, Nov 4
. 15-minute qualifying sessions, Groups 1-9
. 20-minute practice sessions, Groups 10 & 11
. 15-minute qualifying sessions (or optional 6-lap races), Groups 1-8 - gridded in Qual #1 order
. 45-minute Pro-IT race, Group 9
. Social at the Chalet in the Club Racing paddock

Saturday, Nov 5
. Hardship warm-up lap (out at T-1, in at T-11) – requires Chief Steward approval
. 20-lap (or 40-minute) Championship races, Groups 1-4
. Track Tours during lunch break
. 20-minute qualifying sessions, Groups 10 & 11
. 20-lap (or 40-minute) Championship races, Groups 5-8
. Social at the Chalet in the Club Racing paddock

Sunday, Nov 6
. 20-lap (or 40-minute) Race #1, Group 10 (Pro SRF)
. 20-lap (or 40-minute) Race #1, Group 11 (Pro FE)
. 20-minute qualifying for Group 12 (ECR)
. PDX sessions during Quiet Time
. 20-lap (or 40-minute) Race #2, Group 10 (Pro SRF)
. 20-lap (or 40-minute) Race #2, Group 11 (Pro FE)
. Three Hour ECR race, Group 12

I’ll also be posting this on various forums that I frequent, so let me know if you have questions/concerns/suggestions.

Hope to see y’all at the track…
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Schedule looks great, Butch. Travel home makes the ECR a no-go for me but I'm thinking maybe a double-dip into STU for some additional track time.

Has the "sprint" been called the Championship Race in the past or is that new...? I like the symbolism.

Butch, any chance on moving STL to a different group or moving group 1? Most of the STL racers are likely to come from ITA, and with the groups back to back it would be difficult to run both.
It would seem that swapping Groups 2 & 3 would be simple, but the emphasis in the Tech Shed will be on the non-Runoffs classes (IT mainly) and I wanted to spread those out to reduce the impact in Impound. We also want to run the IT groups in the morning so any Impound issues and/or protests can be resolved before the Awards Party Saturday evening. This schedule also gives the IT guys a better chance of watching their buddies race (which is important to many of them).

Finally, "most" of the STL cars will be coming from Spec Miata, won't they?
Hoping to finally make it out. I didn't know that about their test days, so really I could just run one or two sessions and just pay for what I'm driving?
Hoping to finally make it out. I didn't know that about their test days, so really I could just run one or two sessions and just pay for what I'm driving?

They do not have "partial day" stickers, so what you pay for the Road Atlanta test day is determined by when you sign up. If you sign up Wednesday night or first thing Thursday morning you pay the entire $225. If you sign up later in the day on Thursday your fee is pro-rated by the number of sessions still left in the day.

i.e. - If you want to run session #1 and no others, you'll pay $225 for that single session. If you plan to run all day but break on the first lap of session #1, you'll still pay $225 for that partial lap.
They do not have "partial day" stickers, so what you pay for the Road Atlanta test day is determined by when you sign up. If you sign up Wednesday night or first thing Thursday morning you pay the entire $225. If you sign up later in the day on Thursday your fee is pro-rated by the number of sessions still left in the day.

i.e. - If you want to run session #1 and no others, you'll pay $225 for that single session. If you plan to run all day but break on the first lap of session #1, you'll still pay $225 for that partial lap.

Ohhh OK gotcha. :023:
Why not put ITB with ITC, and ITA with ITS. I'd like a shot at not being lapped for once.


We did that prior to 2010, but changed it because of complaints that the slower "fast" cars were screwing up the faster "slow" car leaders. The thinking is that with the wider split in speeds (and a split start) we have fewer overlap issues. That seemed to hold true last year.

One downside, of course, is the slower cars run a nineteen lap race instead of the full twenty laps.

The answer is to give everyone their own race, but are you ready to spend a week at the track (or have a $1000 entry fee) to accomplish that?

And even THAT won't solve the problem in all cases. The ITB race last year was f*cked up when the leaders came up to lap another ITB car!
Need Input

I've gotten a couple more requests to separate ITA & STL so it's easier for folks to double-dip. What I'm now considering is swapping Group 2 (ITA, ITC, ITT) and Group 6 (Big Noise). That will allow both the SM & ITA guys to double-dip in STL while the ITR & ITS guys can double-dip in STU.

I need to make sure the Big Noise guys (many of whom come from places far away) won't mind racing earlier on Saturday, but by racing Saturday afternoon the ITA/ITC cars have less time to clear Impound/Protests before the Awards party Saturday night (obviously this is not a problem if everyone agrees to be compliant and play well together :rolleyes:).

Bottom line, will any of the ITA & ITC folks have heartburn if you race Saturday afternoon (Group 6) rather than Saturday morning (Group 2)?
Hey CB, you forgot about the sleet falling from the sky!! I didn't have snow tires to go out on that session :lol: Maybe we can scare up a few more "S" cars as well although Miata's have done a good job of decreasing our numbers as of late.........
Original post was editted to reflect the swap of Groups 2 & 6 - this gives the ITA guys a better chance to double-dip in STL if they so desire.
I don't have any room for opinions but I like ITA running later in the day, gives a chance for more of my friends to come out who won't wake up early. lol