2011 IT Spec*tacular results


New member
Sorry, I don't have complete results from Saturday, or any from today. But I will give a brief report on the Saturday ITA/ITB race. We'll get the obvious out of the way first - Joe Moser ran away from the ITA field. Not to take anything away from Joe, it was a great car and a great drive. Kevin Ruck did give Rob a run for his money. Probably what caused the crack in the LR training arm that finished him the weekend. Matt Downing and Greg Vandersluis were also beating up on each other pretty good for most of the race (very close racing but no contact that I saw!)

The ITB race was nothing short of spectacular with Tristan Herbert, Scott Giles, and Kirk Knestis running door handle to door handle (ok, fender to door handle, literally) for the whole race. Multiple passes for the lead and second place. Can't wait to hear about Sunday. And post some video, Kirk!!!!

Wish I could have stayed up there. Congrat's to all. Another great event.
The ITB race was nothing short of spectacular with Tristan Herbert, Scott Hileman, and Kirk Knestis running door handle to door handle (ok, fender to door handle, literally) for the whole race. Multiple passes for the lead and second place. Can't wait to hear about Sunday. And post some video, Kirk!!!!

Correction above.
Tristan and Scott ended up tied on finishes (finishing 1,3,1 vs. 2,1,2 respectively) so it went down to the fast lap over the weekend - which Tristan had by just a few thousandths... I ended up a not-quite-there 3rd in B but I feel pretty darned good about it, particularly after my lackluster performance the first time I came to Mid-O in 2008.

I will have some cool multi-camera video to upload, Bill. Thanks again for the test of the Race-Keeper system!

Tristan and Scott ended up tied on finishes (finishing 1,3,1 vs. 2,1,2 respectively) so it went down to the fast lap over the weekend - which Tristan had by just a few thousandths... I ended up a not-quite-there 3rd in B but I feel pretty darned good about it, particularly after my lackluster performance the first time I came to Mid-O in 2008.

I will have some cool multi-camera video to upload, Bill. Thanks again for the test of the Race-Keeper system!


Sorry I never got a chance to swing by the paddock and say hi. I had a lot of friends that came down to experience the weekend at Mid-Ohio (they have never been there before) so I was voted as the tour guide and ended taking them all over the infield to see different parts of the track.
It was good to see you running though!
Sorry I missed you too, Greg!

I've run into a glitch with the video, Bill... We copied the folders created by Race-Keeper to my little laptop but something is corrupted or we made bad assumptions about how the app communicates with or understands the video and data. We should have skipped a translation and taken the raw data off the media card onto my machine rather than to Tristan's first. I've sent him an email to see if I can get his help to resurrect what we did.

Kirk: Are the folders still on the card, or are they on Tristan's computer? I will check on Thursday. We can probably copy them to a DVD and get them to you. It was great seeing you again.
Folders WERE on Tristan's computer - we scrubbed the media card - but I'm not positive that they remained there. Thanks in advance for any solutions you can come up with. I suppose it's also possible that my computers just aren't up to the task, although there seemed to be some weirdness among the names/types/sizes of the files in the two Sunday sessions folders...
