Quote Originally Posted by Greg Amy View Post
That weight is with driver. I don't know if they are running ITE, they haven't published the supps yet.

Are you *sure* that engine on that decade-old World Challenge car is 12:5:1 compression? Absolutely, 100%, no-doubt-and-I'm sure-there's-not-been-any-wear-or-something that would cause it to actually be 11.9999, especially since the probability of someone checking it is so close to zero as to actually be zero...?

Just askin'...

Well Greg, that changes things a bit on the weight side, just need to add just under 180 lbs to the car and that still makes me uncomfortable. I am pretty sure that you may be correct on the compression side and I will have to check the motor again. I will put through the VTS Request later today and see what happens.

Its nice to see that I could still run ITE if I needed to. Lets see if it all works out.

Thanks for the help guys,
