Quote Originally Posted by Greg Amy View Post
Then your solution is quite straightforward: stop bitching that the region is not providing to you other people that are not in your class to "race" with, and spend that effort campaigning among all those Big Fish (tm) to come out and play with you. It's not other people's responsibility to provide playmates for you, it's your responsibility to go out and bring them in.GA
Greg, this is the catch 22. I'm not racing in BB hence you can't get me to go to Summit. If they take ITR out of BB we may come and play. I think the answer if ITR people will co-operate is to survey them. I bet you will either find the economy sucks maybe #1 with "Take me the hell out of BB as #2". This is the third year where construction is down so I pick and choise my races carefully, right now the PROIT is where it is at for competition for me anyway.