Quote Originally Posted by Andy Bettencourt View Post
It seems pretty obvious that the ITR guys hate the groupinfg and are speaking with their wallets in WDC.

If you put them into the ITS group, do you lose any of those guys?

Knock knock, are the regional reps listening?

Yes we are and we have been since the first ITR cars took the track for the 2007 season. But as I think has been noted here previously, we must also listen and balance the wishes of the other 197+ drivers who race at a regular MARRS weekend. Nobody wants our friends to stay home but, honestly, sometimes you can't please everyone.

BTW-here are the results of the MARRS Big Bore group this past Sunday. Twelve starters / 11 finishers on a 2mi course. And the O.P. (who did not run this weekend) talks about his last event (MARRS4) where there were also 12 starters and 11 finishers. Of course we see a larger number of cars in that group for the 1st event of the year and the Labor Day Double, but as the economy tanked and the drivers with some of the most expensive cars to maintain started staying home, Big Bore became perhaps a better home for ITR than some give it credit for.

Although the ITR drivers think it would be better to weed their way through 30+ non-ITR cars during a race, we must also look at those other drivers and whether they will speak with their wallets.