I've installed a stock sway bar back onto the front of an ITA CRX before for a driver who just wasn't up to the experience/skill-level to safely handle the car without it, and it did exactly what the driver wanted. It took away the cars "twitchyness", made it go towards a push, and in general just made it easier to drive. The plan was to remove it after the owner got more experienced with the car and would desire more rotation, but he sold it before reaching that point. The cars current owner was an experienced ITA CRX driver, and so he has since removed it. So in my opinion, I would suggest that you do install the stock front bar and see if you like it. I'd then also suggest setting your shocks about right in the middle all the way around. Do those two things, and I bet you'll like it a lot more right off the bat. Then as you get faster and more comfortable with it, start lowing the front shock setting and increasing the rear (I'm assuming the shocks are single adjustable - rebound only). After that you might reach the level of pulling that front bar back out of there. For now though, I'd suggest just doing whatever you need to so you're comfortable in the car, and installing the front bar will do a lot in that regard.