SCCA race at MO on GrandAm weekend

See, this is why it's not a good idea to talk about events like this before anything has even been planned!

Seriously, settle down guys. When we have an idea of who, what, when, where, etc, we'll let it be known.
Matt, any update on this? We were sitting around looking at the schedule in SportsCar last night and noticed there's a restricted regional on the calendar in the magazine....
If you include ITR then I will go, I would love to take my ITR car on that track! I will not drive out with my ITB car.

Keep us posted! and PLEASE post when the registration is up so we can avoid that waiting list :)
i can't believe that ITR is a SCCA Nationally recogonized IT class and that we are being discriminated against!
i can't believe that ITR is a SCCA Nationally recogonized IT class and that we are being discriminated against!

I am not sure if it is discrimination but I would love to know the reasoning behind it. Just doesn't make sense to me :( Someone somewhere in that area must know the facts... maybe they will post here?

I see another Ohio region listing a restriced race @ MO that includes every IT class including ITE and STL but NO ITR......HEY WTF OVER!!
I see another Ohio region listing a restriced race @ MO that includes every IT class including ITE and STL but NO ITR......HEY WTF OVER!!

Perhaps another oversight but WOR bent over backward to fix their event to include ITR, including the enduro. And got a big fat zero ITR cars.
Any word on the schedule for this event? Cost, track time, format?

The ITC group is planning our fall event schedule. It would be fun to catch a glimpse of McDreamy's butt in the MO shower, but not sure it will be worth it if we're getting limited track time and paddocking out in the boondocks. It might be better use of our time to run one of the full doubles or the quad.
Perhaps another oversight but WOR bent over backward to fix their event to include ITR, including the enduro. And got a big fat zero ITR cars.

I don't understand? Why did they have to bend over backwards in the first place? Is it a concern on the speed difference or does someone just not like ITR?

I hope that they understand the longer they wait the more ITR people will choose to do other events. I would have put this as a "must do race" if it was on my calender. I took it off when I found out I wasn't allowed to go. Adding it into my financial plan and my vacation time at work may make it an event I can no longer go to... So basically get on them to approve ITR sooner than later!!!

"I hope that they understand the longer they wait the more ITR people will choose to do other events. So basically get on them to approve ITR sooner than later!!!"

I with you Stephen....there is still a bad economy out here and if I don't make a race that is probably the reason, that doesn't mean some other ITR's won't come if it's advertised properly.
I always wanted to run Mid-Ohio..! I am definitely interested in this event..very cool to run with the Grand Am weekend. I wish something like this could be done for Lime Rock Park and/or Watkins Glen.. :023: Ill' definitely have to see if I have $$ left in my budget for this one.
If OVR is excluding ITR from their restricted regionals there is NO reason for any ITR car to do ANY OVR events.
Matt - OVR Board Member: Leaving ITR off the entry for the restricted regional during the double national was an oversight. Recent changes to the GCR make correcting a mistake like that easier in the future. There are currently 'hoops' to jump thru to correct something like that and it isn't an easy process. We are working on the process to ensure we do not make this mistake again - when we include ITE, ITR should be included as well.

Matt - Race Chair/Committee: For a restricted regional race weekend, decisions are made as to which classes to include. There are many factors that go into that decision. (And as happened, sometimes mistakes are made) A restricted regional can't always include all regional classes. The decisions are not always popular with everyone - Can't make all the people happy all the time. It is a balance and all the folks volunteering to make these events happen are doing what they feel are in the best interest of the club and the racers.
It can be done if someone wanted it badly enough to volenteer and jump through those hoops. Even after the supps I think it can be added.

I hope they include ITR next year and if informed early enough I will make the trip!


On a side note I think SCCA is supporting ALMS going forward...
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Schedule is up

Friday Sept 16, 2011
5:00 PM Mandatory Driver's Meeting
5:45 PM - 6:15 PM 30 Minute Timed Practice
Saturday, September 17th , 2011
9:20 AM - 9:50 AM 30 Minute Qualifying for Sunday's first race TIMED
SUNDAY, September 18th, 2011
9:00 AM - 9:45 AM 13 Lap Qualifying Race
12 NOON - 12:45 PM 15 Lap Qualifying Race
2:45 PM - 3:30 PM 19 Lap Trophy Race

I'd be all over it if it were a double or a triple. But 2 qualifying races? If a qualifying race is like kissing your sister the two qualifying races must be like getting to second base.

One of the ITC guys is lobbying for it, but I'd prefer to do the two MO double regionals, I can't do all three. ITC race would get hammered by S,A,B and SM cars in that group.
Schedule is up

Friday Sept 16, 2011
5:00 PM Mandatory Driver's Meeting
5:45 PM - 6:15 PM 30 Minute Timed Practice
Saturday, September 17th , 2011
9:20 AM - 9:50 AM 30 Minute Qualifying for Sunday's first race TIMED
SUNDAY, September 18th, 2011
9:00 AM - 9:45 AM 13 Lap Qualifying Race
12 NOON - 12:45 PM 15 Lap Qualifying Race
2:45 PM - 3:30 PM 19 Lap Trophy Race

I'd be all over it if it were a double or a triple. But 2 qualifying races? If a qualifying race is like kissing your sister the two qualifying races must be like getting to second base.

One of the ITC guys is lobbying for it, but I'd prefer to do the two MO double regionals, I can't do all three. ITC race would get hammered by S,A,B and SM cars in that group.

If you're in it for the season points race - I get it and agree. But if you're in it for fun and track time (race time), can't beat it. The amount of track time for the entry fee on top of the pro races during the weekend... Doesn't get much better than that! Race, short break, race, short break and 'the' race all on Sunday! Jam packed day after enjoying time (2 days) at the track with friends and tons of racing!

Hope to see you there!