Quote Originally Posted by Matt93SE View Post
Yeah, if there was any visible wear/scarring on the hub, then that's likely your problem.

I press the junkyard hub apart and give it a good cleaning and exam. If all looks good, I install it either spindle with the new bearing.

If you use a junkyard spindle, be sure to give it a good cleaning + exam and don't touch anything that's been hit in the front.
Good stuff. Amazingly enough, I managed to find an NX1600 in really good shape in the local yard and snatched the front hubs out of that. They look pretty much brand new and I'm about to get going on the second one so that we have all new bearings and good hubs up front. That should actually make everything that turns except the transmission new.

Hopefully my new-found NX hubs will enable me to channel a little bit of tGA spirit here in Topeka this weekend.

I'll let you guys know how it went after we get back-- Wish me luck!