Quote Originally Posted by Chip42 View Post
the current ITB (AW11) MR2 classification follows the published process math for a 25% gain perfectly. it WAS at 30%, the differnece being 95 lbs. we now have "parity" with the baseline number. the car needs some time at this level to build the case further that it's still too heavy. I hope that one day everyone will be on really equal footing but "pretty close" is a good target too, and I'm happy to see progress on multiple fronts toward that.
Chip, normally I agree with your points, but here I don't.
You're suggesting that 'we see how it does".

Well, that sounds way too 'prod like' for me.
I suggested when I was on the ITAC, and since, that there is AMPLE evidence that this car can't come CLOSE to the gains the process predicts. I AM grateful the ITAC and CRB somehow busted out of the whole 30% scam, but, as far as I'm concerned, this car is still being dealt a disservice.