Did somebody say "threadjack"? No? OK, I'll say it then.

My first novel comes out May 10. It's called Purgatory Chasm, and its hero is a guy who was a talented NASCAR Busch Series racer who looked like he was destined for Cup - until he drank it all away.

Now he's a mechanic and a leg-breaker for his renegade AA group.

Cars are central to the plot, and one of my favorite scenes involves the hero and his dad (also a former racer, also a drunk) racing old cop cars around a quarter-mile dirt bullring.

In the next month or so, you can expect much more unseemly self-promotion from me.

Here's the Amazon page: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss...steve+ulfelder

Here's the starred review from Publishers Weekly, a closely watched trade rag: http://www.publishersweekly.com/978-0-312-67292-8

05 ITR
Flatout Motorsports