Miata Hard Top Worth Much?


New member
I'm planning to sell my '91 DD Miata. It's got a hard top, but it's kind of rusty, so I don't think selling the top with the car will add much value to it. Are those tops still in demand with Miata racers? What's one that's mechanically fine but tired paint worth? Is shipping it feasible? Seems like it would be a major pain and quite expensive.

I think the hardtops are still in demand. I believe they can ship via Greyhound, which makes the cost relatively decent.

If you want an honest answer to its desirability and want an easy button for moving it on, drop Jim Drago at East Street Auto in Memphis a note and ask him if he's interested. Up to you if you admit that I sent you to him... :D
The car has rusty rocker panels, so I wouldn't expect it to bring a premium price, and the value of including a hard top with it would be minimal. The hard top is fine. The only issue is that the paint does not look new, but you'd want to paint it anyway.

Where are you located?
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If he's found a way to make a fiberglass hard top rust, this may be an indicator of more severe issues. :)

Seriously, tops in good condition go for between $900 and $1200. Even cruddy ones trade for $600. The Miata guys (okay, "we Miata guys") love them. If you were closer I'd make an offer.
I was wondering what could rust on the top. That makes more sense. I am in Colorado Springs CO. Do you have any pictures you could email to wolfee at earthlink.net?

Put the top up for sale on Craigslist. Pics available there.

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