help with rules

Tom R

New member
Hey, I am considering building my 2001 s2000 for ITR. A few DE's after buying the car I destroyed the original 2.0L engine and replaced it with a 2.2L.

Do i need to replace my current engine for a 2.0L before i can legally participate?

both the 2.0L and the 2.2L s2000 are placed at 3005 lbs. I am not sure why the 2.0L with less torque would be rewarded with the same min weight, but anyway...

is there some rule that would allow me to keep the 2.2L engine? maybe updating the transmission?

thanks for the help.
Are the AP1 and AP2 on the same spec line? If so, yes, you can use either engine.

If the cars are on two different spec lines in the ITCS you can't.
You could update the WHOLE thing, anything that is different between AP1 and AP2...rear suspension, transmission...etc. They are on different spec lines.

You might be better off selling the 2.2 and finding a 2.0.

We love ours.

Is Marc's S2000 still for sale? If so, you are way better off starting with that. He's selling it dirt cheap......
Thanks for the help.

Maybe I will just rebuild my 2.0L engine. Is sleeving allowed in IT?

Andy - I read your build thread in the Honda cars section. you guys have a beautiful cage. I will keep you in mind for when it is time for mine.

I believe I saw the s2000 that is being sold. The only thing that separates my car from that car is the cage and 130k miles on the drive train. I think i'm better off sticking with mine.
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Not necessarily. There is a paper version which is in production now (due out of the printer sometime in February). However, if you didn't ask and pay for one when the letters were sent out about this a couple of months ago, then you won't get one. (I don't know if there will be any surplus books that will be available for those who didn't order one earleir and who now wish to pay for them.) You should know that the paper version is the January PDF version. It is already out of date since the February update has been posted.

what is the rational behind not allowing sleeving?
Short answer, and IMO: IT rules evolve from a 1984 baseline set, and re-sleeving blocks was not a concern back then. It certainly was not a commonly-available modification. Plus, it has only been in the last 15 years or so that block, when bored, needed to be re-sleeved; most engines can be (and were) safely bored 40-over with no problems.

You can request it. Don't know how far you'll get with it, but it can't hurt to ask.

i would submit a letter, but i think i should first start racing in IT before i try to change the rules. lol

Andy Bettencourt - did you guys manage to get a 40 overbore on the s2000 engine? if so, how did you guys do it, or more importantly is the engine holding up?
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