You gotta stop with that "what Ron and I want" stuff.

It's not about ME drawing the line. It's about listening to membership and if they want something that doesn't run counter to the core stuff in IT, then letting them have it. Yeah, that may suck in some cases but here's a funny thing: I 100% completely agree with Kirk's statement that we get the IT that we want. This is a club. It shouldn't be up to 7 non-elected guys to tell a majority of the folks running in the class no on something that YOU YOURSELF just said was inconsequential and didn't matter.

I'm sure my line will be different than others. My individual wants are irrelevant though. I'm not saying that everyone gets what they want. I am saying that if a majority can agree on a change, and it's not a core item, then we shouldn't say no.

Go back and look at the thread where someone (Ron maybe) ran a poll on this. I think you'd be surprised at the level of support for NO change.

But in my view, we have to get away from the idea that we dictate to membership how THEIR class will be run. I agree there are some foundational principles that we can't/shouldn't change. I agree that in some cases, what those are may be a gray line. But I also think if you got all IT racers in an auditorium somewhere they'd agree on 95% of them.

Travis -- specific question for you. You are ok with the engine mount allowance. But not washer bottles. Or wiring harnesses. Why and how do you draw a line/see a difference between the two?

Quote Originally Posted by Andy Bettencourt View Post
So write me a complete list of things that YOU and Ron would change. Then when you draw your new line, we are going to get someone who adds 2 more things. Then the next guy will add 2, and the next guy adds his 1. All for what?

Then tell me who you know of who doesn't race in IT (the SCCA's largest category BTW) because of the 3 things you list.