Quote Originally Posted by Greg Amy View Post
Call the class whatever you want, but in the end the rules are plainly right out there for everyone to choose. Members can take it, or leave it.
And I have never said otherwise, nor have I campaigned to have any adjustments made to any one car. What I have done is made suggestions (13-bee) that may allow for some diversity in a very popular chassis. Thinking about the CLASS's success.

As to the black helicopter rhetoric, of course not. But just be careful when you post stuff like this because it, right, or wrong, adds to your Miata mystique.

I'm really sorry that Mazda doesn't make BSHP (hp/cc) as good as others do, but maybe you should direct such misplaced ire at them instead? GOD FORBID we have a class in this club where the Miata isn't a dominant car..."just sayin"...
Especially when there was NO mention of the Miata prior to you typing it. You have a very thick skin, but lets try and see the classes critisism for what it is.

Listen, I think it's very fair that many are worried about the success of the class given the amount of cars that people perceive to be capable of competing. No more and no less from me.