Quote Originally Posted by Chip42 View Post
STO/U boxes are free, up to 6 ratios. I see no requirement in the rule s(dec fastrack) that the box be OEM. sequentials (A'La XTRAC) have a weight penalty.

STL boxes can be in-brand swaps "in their entirety" and/or "retrofitting OEM complete gear sets"

so it depends on which ST you want to play in. any ratios in U, like the prof is looking at, any VW/Audi trans or gearstack in L, so long as the ratio set is as delivered in some car from the family in the USA. ...
Now I'm questioning what I thought I just learned.

In STL, does the entire "gear set" - so ALL OF THE GEARS, 1st-5th - have to be "retrofitted" in their entirety, or can EACH "gear PAIR" be retrofitted (potentially from different sources) to end up with optimized spacing 2-3, 3-4, and 4-5...?

Put differently, do I have to point at a chart of all of the gears in their original location and say, "We used these five"...? That as opposed to, 1st came from the stock '92 Golf GL, 2nd from a '97 Golf III, 3rd and 4th from a MkII Jetta diesel, and 5th from an '84 GTI...

Again - I'm looking at STL.