2011 I.T. Fest race groups and format


New member
O.K. gang I need some opinions on this so let loose. Right now I feel the I.T.Fest
( I.T. SPEC*tacular) may be getting lost in the Rational, Quad Regional frenzy that is gripping the nation. So the question for all of you is this....

Would you prefer going with a 7 race group format this year such as

Group 1 SRF, EP, FP, HP
Group 2 ITS, ITC
Group 3 ITB, ITR
Group 4 CFC, FC, FE, FM, etc...
Group 5 SM
Group 6 TBA
Group 7 ITA, IT7

or 8 race groups

Group 1 SRF, EP, FP, HP
Group 2 ITS, ITR
Group 3 ITB
Group 4 CFC, FC, FE, FM ....
Group 5 SM
Group 6 TBA
Group 7 ITC
Group 8 ITA, IT7

instead of the past

Group 1 SRF, EP, FP, HP
Group 2 ITS, ITR, ITB
Group 3 CF, FC, FE, FM, etc....
Group 4 SM
Group 5 ITA, IT7, ITC
Group 6 ITE, AS, etc......

What I do with this is what I need help with. Do you guys prefer the three race format we have been doing or want to see a change?

It has to fit into an 8 hour day Sat and Sunday. 8 am-12 pm one hour lunch then 1 pm-5 pm. The lunch hour is flexible. Remember I need 10 minutes between sessions. I'm open to suggestions.

Thanks for the help,

ITC biased: I'd love to have ITC be a seperate group, but not if it means 8 groups.

I would not mind 7 groups, I know some people like the longer races but personally I can live without the last 3 laps, we're just using tires and gas at that point. I'm fine with 6 groups, ITC runs ok with ITA/7, it's ITB that causes us problems. (yes, I know I hit an ITA car in Oct).

I'd like to go with Sat Qual, Sat Race, Sun long race and Sun short race. With the Sun race grids based on the fastest lap time from the previous session. grids based on finishing positions are 'exciting' but needlessly hectic, the illusion of fun is not worth the risk.

And I'd like all three races to be sanction number races, no qualifying race on sunday. Make it a triple weekend.
ITC biased: I'd love to have ITC be a seperate group, but not if it means 8 groups.

I would not mind 7 groups, I know some people like the longer races but personally I can live without the last 3 laps, we're just using tires and gas at that point. I'm fine with 6 groups, ITC runs ok with ITA/7, it's ITB that causes us problems. (yes, I know I hit an ITA car in Oct).

I'd like to go with Sat Qual, Sat Race, Sun long race and Sun short race. With the Sun race grids based on the fastest lap time from the previous session. grids based on finishing positions are 'exciting' but needlessly hectic, the illusion of fun is not worth the risk.

And I'd like all three races to be sanction number races, no qualifying race on sunday. Make it a triple weekend.

7 groups leads to 15 minute qualifying and 30 minute approx. 18 lap race on Saturday. 15 minute 7 lap race Sunday morning and 30 minute 18 lap race sunday afternoon.

We could go with the standard 6 groups split the time between the two races on Sunday thus balancing them out and making the third sanction more "worthwhile". Say Two 16 lap races on Sunday?

Just a thought.
Todd, what was the count of these cars the last two years?
I don't see where you are adding any additional classes. If you are not opening up to more classes, stick with the 6 groups. I like 6 groups.....

Plus I like the idea of it being a triple. Sure, it's going to cost a bit more in sanction and insurance....

Last year you did:
Sat: 20 min Qual, 20 lap race
Sun: 12 lap race, 20 lap race

If you stick with 6 groups, I would suggest:
Sat: 15 min qual, 20 lap race (early lunch or get two race groups in before lunch?)
Sun: 10 lap race, 16 lap race
Todd: 6 or 7 groups is ok

Same general format of Sat - Qual - Race, Sun - Race - Race

Option to make it a triple sounds interesting - three champ races for one hit of fixed expenses??
Might get additional entries!

Say, Todd - Is this the 25th Ann. of IT?
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Todd: 6 or 7 groups is ok

Same general format of Sat - Qual - Race, Sun - Race - Race

Option to make it a triple sounds interesting - three champ races for one hit of fixed expenses??
Might get additional entries!

Say, Todd - Is this the 25th Ann. of IT?


Yes this is the year. The big 25th! :smilie_pokal:
Todd, what was the count of these cars the last two years?
I don't see where you are adding any additional classes. If you are not opening up to more classes, stick with the 6 groups. I like 6 groups.....

Plus I like the idea of it being a triple. Sure, it's going to cost a bit more in sanction and insurance....

Last year you did:
Sat: 20 min Qual, 20 lap race
Sun: 12 lap race, 20 lap race

If you stick with 6 groups, I would suggest:
Sat: 15 min qual, 20 lap race (early lunch or get two race groups in before lunch?)
Sun: 10 lap race, 16 lap race

Not a whole lot. I've shifted other classes in with them to fill it out. That's what the TBA is about. As for the format. Staying with 6 groups would allow us some cushion both Saturday and Sunday of about 1 hr. 30 minutes. Maybe run something fun with the time left?
How about something like this:

Group 1 IT
Group 2 SRF, EP, FP, HP
Group 3 IT
Group 4 SM
Group 5 IT
Group 6 TBA
Group 7 IT
Group 8 CFC, FC, FE, FM ....

I don't care what IT groups run with each other and would like to see the 'larger' IT fields maybe get their own race. I just don't want to see 10 cars make a race group.... I'd be fine with a 10-15 min. qual. session on Sat. morning and a 15 lap race in the afternoon. Sunday could be a 5(ish) lap dash race with a 15 lap race in the afternoon. Of course, you could always ditch one group (1,3 or 7) if time is really an issue. I know I'd pay a good bit more for the entry since it is the IT-SPECtacular weekend..... Main idea is to spread the IT groups to allow us to watch the other IT races!

And after saying all that, I'll be there no matter what the schedule. Thanks for all the hard work and for a GREAT event!!!!!
I'll keep it simple. Whatever option provides for the most track time is what I prefer. Otherwise it just becomes another race weekend.

If the IT Fest is to be a crown jewel in the world of IT racing, it's gotta be Big, and Big includes maximum track time. LeMans wouldn't be LeMans with less than 24 hours, Indy would not be Indy with less than 500 miles. Bathhurst would not be Bathhurst with less than a 1,000K. The IT Fest should do justice to its billing and offer more than the piddling 80-85 minutes of track time usually offered at a typical two-day regional.
I'll keep it simple. Whatever option provides for the most track time is what I prefer. Otherwise it just becomes another race weekend.

If the IT Fest is to be a crown jewel in the world of IT racing, it's gotta be Big, and Big includes maximum track time. LeMans wouldn't be LeMans with less than 24 hours, Indy would not be Indy with less than 500 miles. Bathhurst would not be Bathhurst with less than a 1,000K. The IT Fest should do justice to its billing and offer more than the piddling 80-85 minutes of track time usually offered at a typical two-day regional.

Well said! :D I appreciate the input so far, I would love to see ITS and ITB get back up in the 20+ entry levels they were 3 years ago.
I like it the way it has been.

Like anyone else, I would love a dedicated run group, but only if there are 20+ B cars, versus 12.

I don't want shorter races. We were racing for the top 3 for damn near every lap at this event in 08.
Will there be a reduced fee like last year for entry into more than one class (ie. ITA and SM)? Also, possible to have at least one if not two groups between ITA and SM to allow some prep etc.?
I like it the way it has been.

Like anyone else, I would love a dedicated run group, but only if there are 20+ B cars, versus 12.

I don't want shorter races. We were racing for the top 3 for damn near every lap at this event in 08.


Thank you for the input!

Will you be gracing us with your presence this year?:023:
Will there be a reduced fee like last year for entry into more than one class (ie. ITA and SM)? Also, possible to have at least one if not two groups between ITA and SM to allow some prep etc.?


There will be a reduced fee again this year ( not sure how much yet?) And yes there will be a couple of race groups between for prep.
I want to be there. Just too much going on in my life right now to honestly plan it out, but I hope to make it.
...with the growing interest in STU and STL, maybe we could get a good crowd? I just don't want to burn a weekend and race nobody.

Since we have a few months, our team is prepared to bring two STU cars if others will meet us there.