Quote Originally Posted by Andy Bettencourt View Post
With all due respect to the ITAC, you MUST remove the 30% for multi-valve rediculousness from ITB. It MAKES ZERO SENSE.

All you have to do is ask yourself this simple question when the topic comes up:

Why does a multi-valve car in ITB have more power potential than a multi-valve car in ANY OTHER CLASS? Because of the 'ITB' sticker? Come on.

You guys are doing a great job of being consistant lately (maybe to a fault IMHO) and this sticks out as one of the last glaring evidences of ITB protectionism. There is simply zero data to back up the MR2 at 30% nevermind a class-based policy that differs from the others in the entire category. It's based on architechture - yet not applied evenly across the category - which is a core value in IT, no?

Just. Fix. It.

Who championed that policy, Jeff? Josh? The membership deserves to know. Hell, we deserve to know who voted on it and how.