while removing the stock "measuring" devices is a good thing for parity, the variation of intakes, TBs, head, and overall engine designs will certainly yield big winners and big loosers.

this is why I am a big fan of the alternate minimum weight for known over/under performing engines. the tables in STU are a good start, but don't address swaps (kind of a big deal in STx). GTL would be a better place to look for the type of list I am thinking of where allowed mods are all equal but the toyoter 4A-GE would be, say 1900 lbs in STL vs. the honda B16 (same bore, stroke, displacement) at a higher 2200. obviously, this would need some run-time to develope and can't just be thrown out there with any hope of success. but the idea I think has merit. it would make the "forbidden" motors legal, but heavy, and the stuff that hasn't got a prayer currently a potentially competitive mill given an appropriate chassis.

agreed in that the term "metering" needs to be rethaught. a CRB ruling, new term for the alternate definition, and having BOTH in the glossary in the GCR would be a wise decision.