2011 Race At Charlotte Motor Speedway - Format?

Ron Earp

Earlier this year Jeff Young and I proposed that the NCR region co-sponsor a race with the CCR region at Charlotte Motor Speedway. Initially there was some resistance to the idea that was rooted in past experiences with the track and certain indivuals. However, CMS has new management and it appears that those issues have been resolved.

I’d like to get some feedback on the format of the race weekend. We had proposed to do a double SARRC race with the highlight of the weekend being a 1.5 hr ECR run under the lights. But, it appears that that was lost in translation and what appears on the NCR website is a single SARRC with a double Carolina Cup, no ECR at all.

Question, which would you, the racer, be more likely to attend and get fired up about? Yes, the race would be in August. Yes, it'll be hot.

Option A – Double SARRC with the ECR run on Saturday night under the lights

Option B – Single SARRC with a double Carolina Cup, probably one of which would run under the lights

Thanks much,
Earlier this year Jeff Young and I proposed that the NCR region co-sponsor a race with the CCR region at Charlotte Motor Speedway.
I’d like to get some feedback on the format of the race weekend. NCR website is a single SARRC with a double Carolina Cup, no ECR at all.

Question, which would you, the racer, be more likely to attend and get fired up about?

Option C – Double SARRC with the Carolina Cup run on Saturday night under the lights

Thanks much,

I'll take the revised choice::023:

Option C – Double SARRC with the Carolina Cup run on Saturday night under the lights
Any of the above sounds great to me, guys. You can count me as *very* interested but I might be marginally MORE interested if the enduro is longer rather than shorter.

i say it doesn't matter , its still racing at chartolle motor speedway ! and thats just cool !! lets race there again . ralph
As Mr. Thompson wrote, let's throw that (C) out there too so we have:

Option A – Double SARRC with the ECR run on Saturday night under the lights

Option B – Single SARRC with a double Carolina Cup, probably one of which would run under the lights

Option C – Double SARRC with the Carolina Cup run on Saturday night under the lights
"A" would be great, but we'll go no matter what. Clarifying question- assuming we run with all the track lights on, will the cars need supplemental lighting ? (beyond the headlights).

Just planning ahead.

Great video SPiFF(Scott). Almost forgot how cool that place was/is.

Back in the day...

How about Option Bv1 – Single SARRC with a single Carolina Cup and a 2.5-3 hour ECR starting after 5pm and finishing under the lights.

Bet that would get a draw from all corners of the Division.
I would be there if there was an ECR. We are not allowed to enter the CC races. Double SARRC and ECR and I am there.
Would be interested in the double. But to get more people, would a regular enduro be a better draw?? I am not running the CC either so that would not make my needle move much but the enduro would.
Give me option A, or C. As long as there is a double SARRC!


.... You have the right idea...

.... If you look at most of the race entries from last season you will find that the Double SARRC weekends had the most participants. Thus, I would say that making it a double SARRC should be the most important " deciding " factor.

.... Then throw in the CCPS race for Saturday night and quit treating the series like a "Red Headed Step Child" .... Let's support OUR races..... Isn't it Carolina Cup.... I thought so.:rolleyes:
I understand a waiver is needed to do a double SARRC since each sponsoring region (NCR and CCR) already have a double on the calendar. We'll talk to region leadership and see what we can do.

.... You have the right idea...

.... If you look at most of the race entries from last season you will find that the Double SARRC weekends had the most participants. Thus, I would say that making it a double SARRC should be the most important " deciding " factor.

.... Then throw in the CCPS race for Saturday night and quit treating the series like a "Red Headed Step Child" .... Let's support OUR races..... Isn't it Carolina Cup.... I thought so.:rolleyes:

The SARRC is the draw of the weekend and making it a double really makes the race shine and attractive to a large audience. The CCPS takes a back seat to the SARRC races. I'm fine with the CCPS series but I don't race it because the competition is nothing like the SARRC series. As such I don't think the majority of the track time should go to the CCPS. Sat night single CCPS sounds good but I bet a Sat night ECR sounds even better to a wider audience.

As proposed in June the weekend was a double SARRC and ECR under the lights. Sometime between June and now management made it a double CCPS and single SARRC without discussion outside themselves.
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