2011 I.T.SPEC*tacular date is Set


New member
Hi everyone,

The Cincinnati Region is proud to announce the 2011 I.T.SPEC*tacular at Mid Ohio will be held July 29th-31st. This will be the 5th anniversary of the event as well as the 25th anniversary of Improved Touring as an SCCA recognized class. We hope the I.T. community comes out in force for this very special event.

Best Regards,

Todd Cholmondeley
Cincinnati Race Chairman
Absolutely!!!! :023: The date is on my calendar!!!!!!! (on my computer and PDA.... I don't really have my 2011 calendars up on the walls, yet :D.
I used to like the idea of the Sunday morning qualifying race. It's a race and better than another boring qualifying session that is unlikely to change the grid much.

But after running a half dozen qualifying races it now occurs to me that they are really not that much fun. They don't actually count for anything and it's another chance to mess the car up. I guess you could argue that a real race doesn't actually count for anything either except the fun.

But here's my question: why not just make the weekend a triple regional?

Qualifying on Sat Am
Race on Sat PM (grid set from qualifying)
Race on Sun Am (grid set from fastest lap on Sat PM)
Race on Sun PM (grid set from fastest lap on Sun AM)

Upsides: 3 races that actually count. Grid order is more likely to be orderly and safe.
Downsides: A Sunday-only entrant would need to be melded into the grid. Need for more trophies.
Actually, the Sunday AM race DOES count for something - the overall weekend Championship. Trophies (for the weekend) have been won or lost based on the results of that race!

I'd be willing to entertain the idea of a Triple, though! Then again, there were a stack of Quad Nationals last year, and I'm wondering how those turned out... seems a bit lopsided on the schedule, but that's for those trying to qualify for the Runoffs; no such consideration here.
Also, the Sunday AM race is a RACE, and as such can count as participation for one's license if you happen to DNF or DNS in the Sunday PM race. The results are posted as a race, and count as such. (but you can count only one race from each sanction number)
Also, the Sunday AM race is a RACE, and as such can count as participation for one's license if you happen to DNF or DNS in the Sunday PM race. The results are posted as a race, and count as such. (but you can count only one race from each sanction number)
My just-sent-in renewal was for a regional license because the car broke in the paddock after the Sunday AM qualifying race. :(
My just-sent-in renewal was for a regional license because the car broke in the paddock after the Sunday AM qualifying race. :(

Ask your divisional licsensing Rep... And if not, ask for a waiver to keep your National.
I used to like the idea of the Sunday morning qualifying race. It's a race and better than another boring qualifying session that is unlikely to change the grid much.

But after running a half dozen qualifying races it now occurs to me that they are really not that much fun. They don't actually count for anything and it's another chance to mess the car up. I guess you could argue that a real race doesn't actually count for anything either except the fun.

But here's my question: why not just make the weekend a triple regional?

Qualifying on Sat Am
Race on Sat PM (grid set from qualifying)
Race on Sun Am (grid set from fastest lap on Sat PM)
Race on Sun PM (grid set from fastest lap on Sun AM)

Upsides: 3 races that actually count. Grid order is more likely to be orderly and safe.
Downsides: A Sunday-only entrant would need to be melded into the grid. Need for more trophies.

So your thinking more along the lines of three Sanctioned races? At least that is what I read into it.