Sources for STU sized Wing??


New member
Any one found a good source for a 49" rear wing? Seems there are no manufacturers offering wings with this short of a span, and that the shortest wings avalible are in the 52 inch range.
I would get together with SCCA and get it changed.

On edit: RESOLVED, see below.

Someone else (or numerous someone elses) want to submit that? I've been hammering them with STx rules changes/requests and I don't want to overstep my limited welcome...just request that the original rule be reinstated.

If nothing else, refer to that link and ask them to consider allowing that specific wing, with a max chord of 9 to accommodate the Gurney flap if desired.

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The wing issue was one of the requests I sent back in August when they proposed the entire ball of wax changes in ST. So it's been sitting on their plate for months. :p
Welllll, technically, the 8.5" was only a proposed rule change...
Hey if I wanted a custom build wing I could throw a few $k at Rutan's fomer company a few miles down the road.