The ITAC met on Monday 10/25. Sorry that I forgot to post something before the call. You will have to wait until things are published to see the actual decisions, but we discussed one rule change related to alternate clutch lines, we discussed the '92-'95 Civic EX that was mentioned last week in the November fastrack thread, and also some new car classifications done recently that might not be able to reach their assigned weights.

The BOD met shortly before our call, and the results have now been published. The BoD action summary and the updated Recommended Rules Changes are now posted at near the bottom of the page.

As you will see, all of the IT items were approved, including the rule change request that will allow old listings to have their weights reassigned using the same process we use for new listings. We will start looking at that on our November call, shortly before Thanksgiving. We have a list of the cars that have come up for discussion in the last couple of years and those will be addressed first, so there is no need to resubmit requests that were previously denied on the grounds that the rules didn't permit us to make any changes. Please be patient as we work though the process, as there will be quite a lot of work to do!

As always, let me know if you have any questions, and if you want to get into a discussion, please contact me directly.