Great event at my "home" track put on by the JRB, also my "home" region racing group.

I had a blast, though it started out better than it ended. Saturday qualifying had me the fastest ITB car by 1.7 seconds at a 1:22.9, a full 3 seconds faster than I ran at Lightning back in July. Race 1 had me first in class until I fell off the back of 5 and went off-roading for a while ending up 3rd; race two, which was the last session on Saturday, I had what had to be the sleeve of my suit catch the latch link release on my harness. Driving around the back of the track it felt like the right shoulder strap was loose, looked down while driving around the bend heading to 7 and could see enough that the harness definitely wasn't right. Since that corner can be a busy place, backed way off around the Lightbulb and headed to pit lane to get myself back together. So much for race 2. Race three I got stuck in a bad spot at the start, and had my work cut out for me gettingn around some slower ITS cars. Finally catching what was the 3rd place ITB car, when I got too greedy at the inside 1 and banged my driver's door to RF wheel. No real damage other than a meatball, but the impact was enough to pop the small latch link that holds my window net up! Pull way off driver's left and proceed to spend the next few race laps playing blind monkey trying to type Shakespeare in order to get the rod back in the bracket hole on the main hoop. Finally find it, get the net back up and suck the last two laps of the race.

Over the Winter I most definitely will be investigating eliminating latch links from my restraint systems.........

Oh, and I did manage to need a trip to medical before I left the track too. Stepping out of my trailer, I managed to roll my right ankle, badly spraining it, as well as popping something in my left leg quadricep as I went flailing down to my right. So packing up I could barely walk. Normally the 14 year old son could have pretty much handled it, but he's out of commission with a broken leg, so the wife and 13 year old daughter had to do most of the heavy lifting and crawling under the car to tie it down. Still, we made it home and got all unpacked this morning, but I will be hobbling for at least a week.

But, I'd do it all over again. It was that much fun.