Quote Originally Posted by StephF View Post
Well, unbeknownst to me and another Volvo, Goldkuhl had puked on the line through 11 and 12 (high speed left hander off the NASCAR straight and the last turn onto pit straight)
Next lap through, with no flag visible, I came through 11 like I had been...
Did anyone else feel the corner work was a bit lacking? Over the entire weekend, I saw ONE oil flag, which was in the heel. Group 7 was pretty lucky and didn't see much oil though. They must have done a great job cleaning it up between sessions. I also didn't recieve any help getting back into traffic after either spin going into the boot. Is this normal for WGI? I never seem to get any help when I've spun on a blind turn.
Group 7 had 76 cars. I didn't get a single clean qualifying lap. I was worried about not getting run over and not running over someone else. Oh well. I still had fun and came home in 1 piece.

All in all, I had a great time. I was extremely slow because I'm in a new car and I've only been to WGI twice now. I got some really clean laps in during the first and second races when I let everyone go by me. I had a ball!! Thanks to everybody who didn't run me over when yall were lapping me. I tried to stay out of everybody's way as best I could. (I was in the orange RX-7, by the way)