I believe it does ("all contents"). We chose the STP policy because we think the truck's policy should cover the trailer itself fine, but we got the extra policy for the car. We'll take the hit on the tools and such.

But also note the STP policy covers the car when it's not in the trailer; it's covered if my garage catches on fire and even if it's hit in the paddock by an errant Spec Miata (don't laugh, that's happened...) You're covered right up to the moment you cross the official line for the false grid, then again when you come off the track.

One requirement, as I recall (I'd have to read my policy again), the car is not covered if it's in long-term storage on, or in, a trailer, even if it's an enclosed trailer. The car's regular storage must be a locked building. So a combo of these two policies will give you full coverage of everything.

Of course, we could get into the discussion of on-track insurance...yep, you can even buy a policy that will cover your car for damage during competition...but I doubt you want to pay that premium...