Quote Originally Posted by Gary L View Post
Here's a video of the opening lap of Saturday's race from back in the pack (started 14th). ITB should have been a race to watch, and actually was for about 5 laps, but...

Oh Hell, just watch the 3 minute video and find out.

As usual Gary it is fun watching you wheel "The Flying Blue Box" as my girls call your car. Thanks for the video, my "To the left...to the right" move at the start looks as exciting on video as it was in the car. You, Chris, & Chuck had a super battle going, too bad it went south. That run group had battles throughout...The "A" bunch with Jessie, Brian, and Travis: Y'alls "B" scrum: My fight with the RX8, and the IT7s at the tailend just going tooth & nail........Great stuff according to people in the stands.