Quote Originally Posted by gran racing View Post
Even when prepared to throw paper (i.e. Travis incident a while back), the stewards did everything possible to deter me from doing that. It needs to be a change among drivers and workers.
This, unfortunately, is true of some stewards. If you have made up your mind to protest, do not let yourself be deflected. Tell the Chief Steward (politely) that you are firm on protesting. If the Chairman of the SOM tries to dissuade you, insist that the protest be heard.

I mentioned this in an earlier post, but it bears repeating. If the Chief Steward tries to persuade you not to protest, saying that s/he will "take care" of it, remember that, by not protesting, you lose your standing in the affair. You will have no recourse if the Chief Steward's (in)action doesn't satisfy you. Only by filing a protest do you become a party to the case.